Our Partners

The Flow Nexus and the Trybrary
The Flow Nexus has been spearheading an initiative to open source flow tools, equipment, and experiences since 2014.
In partnering with the Stormlight Dream Foundation, we are expanding our accessibility and offerings.
We have deployed thousands of flow tools and obstacles, and worked with dozens of instructors, to make the peak states associated with flow arts available to those who are curious.
In 2024, we have hosted monthly meetups, tinkerer’s workshops, and spin jams in LA, OC, and San Diego counties. We also have already done full dojo deployment at the Full Bloom festival at the Emerald Village in Vista and FireDrums in NorCal. Later this year, we look forward to deploying at Youtopia festival in San Diego, the Flow Space in the Bay Area, and Pop Up Dojos near you!

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